Sunday, January 06, 2008

Of wuxia and religion

found some wuxia fanatic as me!! TL, HZ and V-jie!! hahah.. a mere supper turned out to be a night out session of wuxia discussion.. of Yang Guo, Guo Jing, Huang Rong, Xiao Long Nu, Yideng, Huang Yao Shi, Xiao Shi Yi Lang, Jing She Lang Jun, Xuzhu, Lao Lao, Wang Yu Yan etc etc.. hahaha..

fight fight fight.. precious swords and stances and inner strength.. of love and romance.. haha.. simply love 'gu dai' drama!!

talked to V-jie on the way back to hall about religion.. well, first of all, let me say, i do believe in a 'higher-being' up there.. but i just dont really subscribe to any of the religion yet.. well, the reason..

i do believe in a 'higher-being' because there r still many things tat the modern science cannot explain yet.. a very good example will be how come all the C, N, Na, Ca, Cl, H, O, S (basically all your chemical compound) can form into a person WITH A CONSCIOUS AND CONSCIENCE?? it is just a bunch of elements becoming some compound.. where the conscious and conscience come from??

i dont subscribe to any religion due to various reasons.. well, if all the religions in the world r true, the how come within the same religion there is so many fractions and subgroups? y cant they merge to become 1? wat with the different belief if they r worshiping the same god?

and i have various other reasons which i dont think is suitable to put up on my blog.. but if u want to know more, talk to me directly, i'll discuss more with u.. if u try to convert me, then be prepare to argue alot.. cheers.. =)

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