Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Back to the Future

my prof flying off again.. hahah.. but he will be back next week..

today my prof asked me wat i wanted to do after i graduate.. and i told him "i dont know".. well, not really a good answer.. but then tat is the truth.. i really dont know..

been thinking should i go do something similar to my FYP, some naturalist, botanist, field biologist related stuff? or should i stay in lab? or totally non-science related?

i dont mind doing something on botany, field biology or even vet.. just tat the tot of studying again for a few years put me off.. stay in lab? well, didnt do any internship and my FYP not really lab-based.. so worried tat not able to handle lab stuff.. *sigh* should have go for internship.. back to my teaching? well, still considering..

talked to my prof today a bit about Singaporean in general (everyone, please do not be offended).. well, both of us agreed tat some Singaporeans are really too over-protected.. either by their parents or the government in general.. a lot of things they dont dare to try and we are wondering if they can take hardship.. well, only some ar.. not all, so please dont be offended.. and even u are offended, i dont really care..

the conversation with prof reminded me of how most of my *cough* *cough* friends put a lot of importance in exam results.. i argued before with my friends and i still think exam results are nothing.. they really prove nothing.. well i must agree, in general, if u succeed in studies, u will succeed in your life.. but not always so.. and exam results cant prove a person's character and personalities..

chinese have this saying "一命,二运,三风水,四道德,五读书".. so your 'dao de', character, is more important in deciding your life that study.. well, believe it or not is up to you.. but for me, i strongly believe in it.. exam results are prove nothing..

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