Saturday, April 14, 2007

Getting OLD

went back to conduct PRESS course today.. i'm darn tired now..

if it wasn't for the lack of instructor, i wont be going back to conduct the course.. and i realised that i'm too long out of practice le.. a bit rusty.. need to brush up my skill and knowledge again, else next course sure 'chui' de..

today course also very 'chui'.. cos last minute know my partner, so didnt do much preparation with my partner, then also he is a first timer, so need to guide him along also.. then, cos too long never conduct course le, so a bit rusty.. so a bit 'huang zhang' in the beginning.. but as the day progress, then okay le..

one more thing is i realise i'm getting old.. got this generation gap with the course participant.. no matter how hard i tried to act young, the gap is still there.. sometimes really hard to reach out to the young participants (secondary 3 or 4).. maybe i'll just conduct courses for young adult only.. hahaha.. so maybe i'll think twice when they ask me to be instructor for secondary.. =P

the 'juniors' r still young, look like still need a lot of time coaching them before i can sit back and shake legs.. still it was fun today!!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

jiahuan, wat u instruct them in ar? :O

4/15/2007 11:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


some HIV/AIDS prevention course.. a programme under Malaysia Red Cresent Society (equivalent to the Singapore Red Course).. hehe..


Jia Huan

4/16/2007 2:29 AM  

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