Sunday, November 29, 2009

Social Networking

it is interesting how fast social networking website can spread the news.. and it is amazing how come people are so interested in my relationship status changes.. hahaha.. i never knew i'm such a popular guy.. hahahha

well, i dont know tat it can be so complicated.. in fact it is much more complicated.. so complicated tat i dont know who to tell and how to tell.. hahha..

yong peng tour with the elderly was interesting.. though had a fair share of joy and frustration, it is still very enjoyable.. thanks for the gang tat willing to go with me too!! hope the $55 was well worth it.. too bad we didnt go for the midnight show.. everybody seems to be rushing home.. =(

sometimes talking to fir is a little depressing.. young, kinda rich, started a few business.. *sigh* how?? quarter life crisis..

how can life be a little bit more simpler? a bed of roses, but roses have thorns.. hahaha


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When i read blogs where the owners seem to be doing well in life and enjoying alot of job satisfaction, i become envious. Yea its depressing but i am sure that the work you do is valuable too =D


11/29/2009 10:46 PM  
Blogger Juliana De Pré said...

Hey, I like your blog! Social networking does make saying things a little easier sometimes, but also makes it harder to have a private life... =P

12/03/2009 10:56 AM  
Blogger Juliana De Pré said...

Hey, I like your blog! Social networking does make saying things a little easier sometimes, but also makes it harder to have a private life... =P

12/03/2009 10:56 AM  

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