Saturday, October 03, 2009

Please Donate Blood

when YL left S’pore to study in China, i lost my buddy tat always donate blood with me..

when it comes to donate blood, i always get agitated when ppl are indifferent!! how could they? do you know tat the one packet of blood that you donate can save not only 1 but a few lives!! isn’t tat a good enuf reason to go donate?

i always advocate, it is the heart tat matter.. but in this case, the action matter more.. please please please go and donate blood.. dont be indifference!!

blood is the only thing you can donate again and again.. so why not just donate? the money you donate, once gone, it is gone.. the time you volunteer, once gone, is gone.. but blood will be replenished within 1 days.. so why not??

i am sincerely asking all my blog readers to please go and donate your blood.. save lives!


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