Monday, August 24, 2009

you3 de2 bi4 you3 shi1

golden advice from my long distance friend at Beijing.. thanks for the listening ears.. life rocks!! so lets live it to the fullest..

i missed out the NLB book sales.. darn.. and i tot tat i can get lotsa a few books to slowly read and enjoy.. guess, i’ll have to be contented with borders or just have to wait for the next NLB book sales.. hahaha

sometimes, i wished i have the courage to do the leap of faith.. or hope tat someone push me from the back.. well, one of these days (and it should be soon), i will have the courage to do the leaping..

getting a little sluggish and slow at work.. being suddenly pushed to be the ‘leader’, i need to quickly master a lot of things.. motivating others are very important.. so is leading a discussion/meeting.. and how do you work with stubborn ppl who resist any new suggestion??


Anonymous patty said...

can only give and take lor.. dont expect all the new suggestions to be taken in all in one time..


8/29/2009 10:35 AM  

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