Monday, February 09, 2009

Black and White, Good and Bad

there is 2 sides to a coin.. and i guess there is 2 sides to everything.. and of course there is the whole spectrum of grey in between.. but lets just talk about the black and white..

lets start with the black, the bad.. first of all, i cant deny, the pay is low but i can survive on it.. the work place is a little far.. i'll have to lunch alone most of the time.. i'll have to deal with unreasonable and demanding ppl..

now the white, the good.. is almost a stress-free work place, with nice colleagues, gentle boss and funny elderly ppl around.. i can take buses to my workplace, which take me less than 45 mins to reach.. small office with no office politics, yet..

officially have my first staffs meeting.. was assigned more stuff to do, which is good, else i'll just have to stone in office.. will be taking over the "Learn My Dialect" programme, hopefully it will be fun!! whee~~ looking forward to my first Basic Conversational English lesson with the elderly too..

surprisingly, the new colleague, that join at the same time as me, said today tat he will be tendering his resignation.. so fast.. today was just the first day of his second week.. oh well..

if anyone is at Kent Road, Owen Road, Rangoon Road, Molmein Road, or near Novena area, KK hospital or Whompua area, please do have lunch with me.. else i'll have to have lunch alone, which i hate.. *sigh*

i wonder if i'll get any of my own namecards.. hahahah.. just a thought..

just wanna end off with this quote:

"I think Singaporeans are crafted in a way where we value only the academics, the paper qualifications. There is also a belief that if you volunteer, you will end up neglecting your studies or work... I think, as a society, we need to learn and understand that sometimes giving more is better than taking." Lionel Jonathan Louis, in "I'm a volunteer too" (published by NVPC).


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