Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Intellectual Night

somehow, net surfing today ended up in got hook on either iTouch or iPhone.. thus, went to Epicentre@Suntec immediately to have a feel of iTouch and iPhone.. almost swipe my Debit card.. *phew*.. but i guess i'll get it sooner or later.. really wanna have it.. iTouch perhaps, iPhone still not worth it.. the phone plan is kinda expensive.. anybody wanna buy me iTouch also can.. i want the 16GB de.. thanks in advance.. alternatively can donate to "Help Edmund buy an iTouch Fund"..

impromptu dinner with JH, TL and ibu turned out to be an intellectual night.. first was all the perspective thinking and out-of-the-box thinking.. then came the English phonetics and pronunciation.. followed by the sine, cosine and mathematical stuff.. we did some foreign languages too.. jap and korean.. haha.. wat a fun night!!

how do you pronounce these words:

  1. want
  2. what
  3. lingerie
  4. croissant
  5. calendar
  6. chic
  7. three
  8. tree
  9. flour
  10. steak

by the way, the main course at the Coffee Club not bad.. worth a try..


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