Sunday, April 27, 2008

fascinating cantonese

ohhh.. when will i stop procrastinate?

dateline growing nearer yet  i still managed to play game, watch TV, slack and nua.. LOL

neeway, by hook or by crook, i have to finish my thesis by tonight..

watching 少年杨家将.. i still prefer the old version by Su YongPeng.. this latest version not tat nice.. haha..

was fascinated by a couple yesterday.. i was walking in front of them and they were chatting in cantonese.. was always fascinated by ppl who speak cantonese.. but was so interesting was, they actually speak mandarin with their children.. y? how come their children dont know cantonese? because they dont like to learn or is it because the couple didnt teach them? sooner or later, all the dialect going to extinct, unless someone doing something about it.. *sigh*

was totally out of money.. surviving on my 'soda-pia' and instant noodles.. LOL

okay, back to my thesis frenzy~


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