Saturday, May 13, 2006

To Each His Own

different ppl different taste.. wat i like may not be wat u like.. wat i want may not be wat u want..

for me i cherish things like family and friends.. i always place them above anything else.. really above anything else.. but i guess not everyone is like me.. some may place studies first.. some may place $$ first.. well, who knows wat kind of ppl place wat kind of things first (or second, third, etc etc)..

in a group of friends, it is important to know wat are their priorities.. so it is okie if your friends tell u tat they cant go for a party cos they need to study.. so understand their feeling when they said they need to save money and cant go for the gathering.. so forgive them if they said they want to be with their b/f or g/f and not going to movie with u.. so let them stay accompany instead of drinking coffee with u..

well, i know all those but yet my heart still feel !@#$%^&* (dont know how to describe) if they told me they cant go for something.. guess i just need more time to get used to it.. tat is a cold hard fact in this world, i have to take it like it is.. even if i dont like, nothing gonna change..

"COME ON, KAH PHOON!! GET OVER IT!! STOP DWELLING ON IT!!".. yah.. hope it is as easy as tat..

*sigh* guess i m on one of those PMS days again..

*PS - by the way "To each his own" is actually a film made in 1946.. it is a story about an unwed mother, following WW1, who gives up her son for adoption and loves him from afar..


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